Theodora i Ureki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Takaishvili Pereulok III, Ureki 6000, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 557 24 85 85
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Latitude: 41.9970282, Longitude: 41.7620639

kommentar 5

  • Salome Japiashvili

    Salome Japiashvili


    I loved this place and its hospitable and warm owner. It is an affordable hotel with great breakfast, comfortable and clean rooms and a relaxing, shared balcony. Rooms have mosquito nets, warm showers, fridge and enough storage space. I loved my stay there and would definitely recommend it to my friends. Thank you!

  • Michael Luken

    Michael Luken


    A nice little hotel with a very kind owner who has a real passion to make her guests feel comfortable. The rooms are nicely designed in red and white, not large but very efficiently equipped. There are separate bathrooms with warm shower, shared balconies and a large terrace. Breakfast is excellent. The hotel is a few steps away from the main road and the beach and also very quite. We liked to stay there and hope to come again.

  • T A

    T A


    the best of the best hotel in Ureki

  • ирина добродняк

    ирина добродняк


    I really liked it. All amenities. The staff is very kind and attentive. The mistress is beautiful. She met me, arranged. And also drove me to the station. The rooms are clean and comfortable. The beach is very close. Delicious and nutritious breakfast (included in the payment). I am very happy with my rest. Thank you very much.

  • Mike Khachadurian

    Mike Khachadurian


    The breakfast was soooo bad and no direct view to the sea

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