Kolkhida Resort & Spa i ურეკი

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienKolkhida Resort & Spa



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Ozurgeti, Ureki, E. Takaishvili str. #117, ურეკი, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 20 54 45
internet side: www.kolkhida.ge
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Latitude: 41.9914265, Longitude: 41.7602348

kommentar 5




    Unprofessional expremly rude staff, will never go back. They need to work on their attitude and management. Not recommend

  • Bedrock Breakerz

    Bedrock Breakerz


    Food is good, only if you eat carbs. Room in bad condition, with mold and falling of paint and cracks which leak. Good things are the territory is large and has a (cold) pool.

  • saxeli gvari

    saxeli gvari


    They have good service, but the infrastructure is outdated abd needs to be upgraded.

  • oneofthebhoys



    For a Georgian resort, this is actually very good. Pandemic-related health and safety standards are maintained pretty well, food is decent, kids' entertainment with animators is excellent, and playing facilities are plenty. Exclusive section of the beach means that it's not too crowded. One big disadvantage is poor internet connectivity, which seems to be a problem in this whole area. Otherwise it would be perfect.

  • Aref John

    Aref John


    Nice hotel and services as well as the food

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