Magnetiti i Ureki

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148, Ekvtime Takaishvili Street, 3500, Ureki, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 574 05 55 29
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Latitude: 41.9953083, Longitude: 41.7603684

kommentar 5

  • Billionaires Events

    Billionaires Events


    %100 recommended. I’m from Los Angeles and now i’m tripping with my wife as honeymoon. On 08/14/2021 I find this place about 12 midnight true online when we were between Batumi face to Tbilisi Georgia. Me and my wife were so tired and this hotel was our 3rd hotel we did visit. Other previous hotels we visited were so bad with old buildings and bad smell inside . When i found this one witch is Magnetiti 🤩 new building with good size room and comfortable also i have to talk about the Hotel stuff who was a gentle owner of Hotel Mr Badri and his wife Tamuna who they talking basic english they asked they sweet daughters who is Mrs Sophia and Mrs Ania to do translate for us and it was very kind of this family. Honestly i will miss this place and specially this family and i hope visit them again because of my family feeling. Thanks Magnetiti for a great night.

  • Ostap Tsapulych

    Ostap Tsapulych


    Nice modern hotel, nice hostess and good service. There is also a restaurant with delicious food. A couple of steps to the sea. There is a large parking lot

  • Romeo Malazonia

    Romeo Malazonia


    Great location, the territory is clean, well-groomed, we were delighted with the large rooms! the staff is polite, the restaurant has panoramic windows, the food is delicious, the portions of the soups are very large and hearty, the design of the hotel is modern !! if you come, then only here 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • Анна Зитанишвили

    Анна Зитанишвили


    We arrived in the afternoon by train, Tamara, the hostess of the hotel, met us and took us to We booked a four-bed room It is large, there is everything - a refrigerator, air conditioning, a shower, huge beds, a dryer, a balcony, a huge wardrobe, bedside tables ... a kettle, glasses, and everything you need on vacation is there! We are very glad that we ended up in this hotel, by the way, it is completely new We asked to clean the room every 3 days, changed linen, towels, everything was shiny Everywhere in the hotel is clean, there is a large bungalow area, a swing for children, a slide, a playground, a swing for relaxation .. There was also a parking lot, but we are without a car The chefs cook very tasty especially khachapuri and kharcho soup We ate them almost every day. We stayed for a week, next summer we will come back to you, Tamara and Badri! Thank you for the warmth and comfort! In general, we have been going to Ureki for the third year already and have visited many hotels, but now we will only settle in Magnetiti! Rated 5 out of 5! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Puna Pea

    Puna Pea


    Very nice hotel. We had a large room on the top floor with a sea view - take it, you won't regret it. You can watch the sunset right on the balcony 🌅 Comfortable mattresses. Hotel restaurant with a clear menu. And the hosts, who treated us to homemade wine on the second day, are very welcoming and speak Russian fluently. There is a sand foot washer near the entrance. You can also wash for 5 GEL.

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