National Hotel i Ureki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienNational Hotel


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Takaishvili Street 142, Ureki 6000, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 558 66 99 01
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Latitude: 41.9958479, Longitude: 41.7607259

kommentar 5

  • Ivanna Smolyana

    Ivanna Smolyana


    Just great food and service!

  • Kristofers Jēkabs Rozevskis

    Kristofers Jēkabs Rozevskis


    A grand place to stay at when on a low budget good food. Loved the breakfast absolutely amazing staff, Really couldn’t thank them enough, the view was great.

  • Step Gal

    Step Gal


    I love this place very much. Special thank to Alexander for excellent support.

  • Jakub Cap

    Jakub Cap


    We tried three restaurants in Ureki. National is the best.

  • Narek Aghekyan

    Narek Aghekyan


    Pros: - good sea and sand - good hotel service, people are very nice and kind - close to the sea Cons: - mud behind the hotel that smells on rain - 75-90% humidity, hard to breathe - hotel price 70$ per day was too much for Ureki - after 4-5 days you will have nothing to do in Ureki, except swimming in the sea - in the evening it is very noisy because of the sounds of cafeterias, parks and restaurants

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