Hotel Exotica i Ureki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Exotica


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Ekvtime Takaishvili Street, 6000, Ureki, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 26 46 85
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Latitude: 41.9988501, Longitude: 41.77481

kommentar 5

  • Tariel Putkaradze

    Tariel Putkaradze


    Amazing and healthy tranquility

  • beqa Kacharava

    beqa Kacharava


    , ❤️👍👍😍😍

  • Кристина Сакара

    Кристина Сакара


    Just recently returned from Georgia. Rested at the hotel "Exotica" madly liked everything! Delicious food, excellent service, very kind and helpful staff! Excellent hotel owners, very helpful people. As at home, all the amenities for young children, and for adults. Very close to the sea, many shops and restaurants. And all the reviews that write negative is just a lie. All at the highest level! Now if in Ureki, then only to you is our second family❤

  • Razmik Arakelyan

    Razmik Arakelyan


    Nice and comfortable hotel. Absolutely everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Refined, delicious cuisine. In the courtyard of the hotel there are all the amenities for recreation: a children's playground, tennis, pool, cabins, umbrellas. And all this is kept in perfect cleanliness. The sea is close. And most importantly, the friendly, welcoming and helpful staff. Thank you Hotel Exotica for creating the perfect facilities for an unforgettable stay.

  • Aliaksei Kruk

    Aliaksei Kruk


    + Convenient for family holidays There are fun for kids Sea is near Polite staff Tasty food Comfortable for family holiday Close to beach Gentle staff Tasty food - WiFi catches badly in some rooms Small variety of food (but inexpensive) Poor WiFi signal in some rooms Few amount of dishes

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