Hotel Ritsa i Ureki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Ritsa


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67, Ekvtime Takaishvili Street, 1111, Ureki, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 597 67 28 38
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Latitude: 41.9962585, Longitude: 41.7628232

kommentar 5

  • Yulia matsenko

    Yulia matsenko


    An excellent hotel, full compliance with price and quality. The staff is very polite and always helps with any question. Good food

  • ilkin omar

    ilkin omar


    I have not seen such a warm welcome for a long time. Thanks a lot to the staff!

  • Ajmal Ishaq

    Ajmal Ishaq



  • Валерий Токарев

    Валерий Токарев


    Super hotel for a very reasonable price! Very clean rooms, air conditioning. There is a great patio with a summer kitchen and barbecue. Many thanks to the administration of the hotel Vazhe !!! I liked the rest very much. The wine is great!

  • Tamari Oganezova

    Tamari Oganezova


    If a vacation in Ureki, then be sure to hotel Ritsa. The atmosphere is beautiful. What is important for me is cleanliness and order everywhere, the staff culture is at the highest level. They don’t give a positive thing, it’s a job, but in fact they are well-mannered and friendly, people of a beautiful soul. The food is excellent everything is delicious. With children dying, you can be sure that your child eats everything clean and freshly prepared. So special thanks to Tei and Natela for the khachapuri pizza and all the goodies. Thank you all for the wonderful birthday surprise сюр. We are very satisfied and grateful for a wonderful stay. You are super! If we come to Ureki, we will definitely be here. Вам

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