Evkalipti i Ureki

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Ekvtime Takaishvili Street, Ureki, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 51 61 42
internet side: www.ureki-evkalipti.ge
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Latitude: 41.9903062, Longitude: 41.7632228

kommentar 5

  • Anna Asraf

    Anna Asraf


    Dear travelers and guests of Georgia, in particular Batumi. I want to recommend this amazing park. The most beautiful place is Ureki (Gury district): around several hectares completely covered with eucalyptus trees of the rarest type. And in this park a very interesting and unique park was arranged. There are 36 sculptures of famous world and Georgian musicians and artists. Interestingly, these sculptures can not only be seen, but also "listen". Next to each monument is a speaker, which plays the most famous compositions from the repertoire of a performer. Bee King, Ray Charles, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Elton John, Edith Piaf, Luciano Pavarotti, Louis Armstrong, Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix, Mozart, Beethoven, Mirei Mathieu, Pagani, and Mrs Mathieu. Even in the park are very funny wood sculptures of various cartoon characters and just beautiful carved benches. ️🇬🇪 ♥ ️

  • Elşad Cəfərov

    Elşad Cəfərov



  • Roman Klotz

    Roman Klotz



  • Татьяна



    Great place, rest for the second season. The owner is great, the staff is great. All your wishes will come to life. Recommended !!! The main difference from many hotels in Ureki is a spacious territory !!! Children play football, parents relax.

  • Hayk



    Very bad hotel with awful service. Food is bad, better to go outside from time to time. Everyday you are eating the same dishes. Rooms are wet and smells bad. The only thing which is better than others is that it has own outdoor relaxing spaces. 5 minutes to the sea. For shure it's need to upgrade !

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