National i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Agmashenebeli Street 375 ქობულეთი, Kobuleti 6200, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 595 21 66 99
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.8784304, Longitude: 41.7743272

kommentar 5

  • Катя Katya

    Катя Katya


    The hotel may be nice, but the cafe ... completely uninterested in customer service. Everything is very long, everything is very slow. In short, never go there again

  • Короб Ольга

    Короб Ольга


    Great hotel. Very friendly staff. Tasty food. Clean comfortable rooms. Cleaning and change of towels every day. There are beach towels, bathrobes and slippers. The sea is just a stone's throw away. The beach is clean, new sun loungers and umbrellas. A beautiful beachside restaurant with delicious food and low prices. We will definitely come again.

  • Megi Shanidze

    Megi Shanidze


    Spicy and tasty

  • Antonio Vazquez

    Antonio Vazquez


    Great place to stay with family. Friendly staff great food.

  • German Shanidze

    German Shanidze


    I don’t know about the rooms, but the (beachside) restaurant was a real disappointment... we were with children, and ordered 6 Khachapuri, and two of them had a piece of glass inside. I had an argument with the manager, owner and the chief. They are lucky it was not in kids’ plate, I would have them closed down. We stoped eating mid way, and refused to pay. I will never go back, and would not recommend it to anyone.

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