Hotel Condori i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Condori


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agmashenebeli ave 280, Kobuleti 6200, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 15 03 00
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Latitude: 41.8351127, Longitude: 41.7780105

kommentar 5

  • المثنى آل سعيد

    المثنى آل سعيد


    Excellent and wonderful hotel

  • Inna Ivanova

    Inna Ivanova


    Wonderful hotel, helpful and very friendly owner David, amused my friend and me and helped with any questions we might have.

  • Shorena Mshvidobadze

    Shorena Mshvidobadze


    I liked it, you are still visiting ❤

  • Светлана Карпова

    Светлана Карпова


    Thanks to the most good-natured staff, as well as the hotel owner, David, who tries to accommodate everyone, even the youngest guests of his hotel, as comfortably as possible :-). Breakfast is delicious and different every day, daily cleaning of the room and replacement of towels. Underground parking, the gates of which are opened at any time when you ask (Batumi and I came at 12 at night several times and let us in without “faces” and sidelong glances). In Georgia, rested for the first time and very, very much! Because, the most important thing is how and where you settled. We lived beautifully, not worrying about anything! I advise everyone!!!

  • Дмитрий Лис

    Дмитрий Лис


    Thanks to the host David. Very good hotel almost european service. The beach in the minute distance. Beach towels can be changed after each visit, the staff is always good-naturedly always waiting for guests. I recommend the average price for Condori.

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