Georgia Palace Hotel & Spa Kobuleti i Kobuleti

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GeorgienGeorgia Palace Hotel & Spa Kobuleti



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6200, Agmashenebeli Avenue 275, Kobuleti, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 224 24 00
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Latitude: 41.840908, Longitude: 41.777002

kommentar 5

  • Nika Beselia

    Nika Beselia


    Good hotel . With delicious breakfast.

  • Thea J

    Thea J


    One of the prominent modern hotels on the Black Sea coastline and the most luxurious in Kobuleti, which is a tiny picturesque village with good climate but nothing much to do, really. The premises of the hotel is impressive, rooms are large and spacious. The food is good, with amazing cakes, freshly made pasta and everything is served in generous portions. The room service could be improved, the TV remote control had no batteries and several electrical plug-ins were not working, which is a real shame for a hotel of this prominence and high price. The hotel has its private beach and a small open swimming pool. The courtyard is very nice, with plants and flowers and bamboo trees and it all resembles Sokhumi.

  • Alexandru Barbulescu

    Alexandru Barbulescu


    Really nice place with a private beach. Beach is pebbles so not very nice but the pool is nice. Decently priced bar, considering the location.

  • Tamar Mirianashvili

    Tamar Mirianashvili


    The hotel is beachfront with beautiful and well arranged garden. It has also pools, but they are not deep, suitable for children. Room cleaning service was irrelevant. We had to call to the receptionist and order it. Our room was partitioned by a door from another room and thus, it was quite noisy, we heard everything from neighbouring room. So, when you book the room, make sure it has no partition. Food - everything could be bearable, but the food was really bad. Saying nothing about its taste, it had obvious technical defects, especially desserts. Some of the desserts were as if from previous day. Choise was also poor. Besides, we were not able to pick up the food by ourselves. We had to ask the staff member behind the shield. That was also ridiculous, I've nevere seen such even in 3-4 star hotels in Georgia. I hope these recommendations will help you. Enjoy your trip.

  • Archil Dekanosidze

    Archil Dekanosidze


    Wonderful place to relax and have fun with family and friends.

nærmeste Spa

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