Hotel Kutaisi Globus i Kutaisi

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GeorgienHotel Kutaisi Globus



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14, Solomon The First Street, 4600, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 551 47 11 00
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Latitude: 42.2642097, Longitude: 42.7133636

kommentar 5

  • Beso Bakradze

    Beso Bakradze


    Verry good google meps !

  • Kevin McDonalds

    Kevin McDonalds


    Best quality hotel nearby!

  • Hasan Koçanyumurtalık

    Hasan Koçanyumurtalık


    Verygood hotel and giorgi

  • Katarína Kravčíková

    Katarína Kravčíková


    The first time me and my friends visited Georgia was in 2015. And ever since, every time we visit the country, we stay in Kutaisi in the Hotel Globus at least for one night - the last time just a week ago :) When I contacted then unknown place and owner for the first time, it was almost unbelievable how much advice, care, help and kindness I was provided with, even before me and my friends and colleagues arrived to Kutaisi. The hotel is really nice, comfortable, clean and well equipped, but it was the personal attitude that made our trip much more easier and pleasant. George is always willing to help with almost everything - starting with a transportation from the airport to the hotel, booking of a restaurant for a dinner, checking the availability of monuments, contacting drivers, printing of flight tickets in moments of hurry and chaos...I cannot recommend a single place in Georgia more than Hotel Globus where it's always so lovely to stay. Thank you for everything and see you again soon!

  • syed irfan

    syed irfan


    Very courteous and helpful owner, nice and warm place, value for money.

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