Imeri Guest House i Kutaisi

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GeorgienImeri Guest House


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5, ხახანაშვილის ქ., 4600, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 25 73 57
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Latitude: 42.2667421, Longitude: 42.7057403

kommentar 5

  • K.K. Gaur

    K.K. Gaur


    Me & my friends lived here You get here great space but that was old furnished

  • Vitali Suchov

    Vitali Suchov


    Warm family atmosphere. In the private sector, but not far from the city center. At breakfast, the owner brought khachapuri! Ciepła rodzinna atmosfera, nieco staromodna. Niedaleko centrum. Na śniadanie właściciel czestuje Haczapuri!

  • Dhananjay Mishra

    Dhananjay Mishra


    i know it perfectly as my friends live here

  • salve7171



    The best guest house in area, highly reccomend it to everyone

  • Dara Vakili

    Dara Vakili


    +3 Stars for the necessities The Guest house is converted from an old traditional Georgian house and it retains this character with Very large spacious rooms. I stayed in a private room but the dorms were also very spacious and it wasn't a tight bunk. The guest house is clean and the hosts are absolutely lovely. The lady there speaks English and they both have very good knowledge of Georgia. The living area is huge and the kitchen is a good size and fully kitted. There is a good enough wifi signal to watch videos and there's a lovely terrace to have drinks. They offered towels for the shared bathrooms and showers. +1 Star for the hosts I think having good hosts is very important. The two at this hostel were prepared to go out of their way in order to help their guests. They're honestly are so lovely and nice. +2 Special stars I usually give these if the hotel has something I really like. The male host is a wine maker and allowed me to enjoy a good few glases of his wine. He knows a lot about Georgian wines and I was so impressed that I bought 5 Bottles, which he offered to me at a very good price for the high quality. Total 5/5

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