Mano Guest House i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienMano Guest House


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Erevani Kucha 8, Kutaisi 4600, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 593 71 60 83
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Latitude: 42.2634801, Longitude: 42.7158212

kommentar 5

  • Ayhan Moral53

    Ayhan Moral53


    The room was stuffy, no handwashing in the toilet, the sounds of Tv coming down from a lot, the sound coming out of a room came up to your room too, the air conditioner said it was too expensive when we arrived, the flies in the room were filled with flies. You have to go the long way to go to the toilet, there is a table in the place where you have to eat something brought in another old pots that lifted the new saucepan in the kitchen. You said to use your own slippers are not allowed to wear white hotel slippers that everyone wore used in the new and not used clean, sitting in the living room have a seat seat does not sit quickly through the sounds comes from the injured Use your head that came a day like a year, stay out of a tree.

  • Gocha Tsibadze

    Gocha Tsibadze


    Best place to hostel and Best view to the town

  • Dorottya Tóth

    Dorottya Tóth


    Clean, tidy room, nice lady.

  • Приморская Арт Резиденция

    Приморская Арт Резиденция


    Been here for one night, was a mistake on booking that they have All Included for 30 lari, but in reality no food at all. Small room, far to go to the toilet, through 2 floors, too hot in the room, all the doors are loud. Place to stay for lonely people who like to talk with the hostess. She likes to talk and it wasn't comfortable to cook. Huge rats on the backyard.

  • Ayhan Kaplan

    Ayhan Kaplan


    We stayed one night. Very tidy, clean and silent. Mañana is very friendly. I recommend it

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