Hotel i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5 Tkabladze, Kutaisi 4600, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 551 47 11 00
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Latitude: 42.264349, Longitude: 42.714312

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Skurihin

    Alexander Skurihin


  • Sebastian Sosin

    Sebastian Sosin


    Great place, close to the railway station. Private terrace, well equipped kitchen. The bedrooms are all equipped with antique furniture. Very discrete host

  • Viktoriia Vitova

    Viktoriia Vitova


    Perfectly clean, wet cleaning every day. Very cozy - a real guesthouse. Home, with kitchen and sofas on the "sit." In the evening it is great to drink tea with friends or to have dinner in the dining room, at least on the tables on the terrace next to the beautiful garden. The guests here are not crowds, but there are two bathrooms, and there are more than five washbasins in general. No problems with the queue in the shower or toilet. There is a washing machine, a great free wi-fi. Very quiet area, and the historic city center is only 5-8 minutes. The friendly hostess is always on the side of the guests and is ready to help with what you need: call a taxi, arrange a transfer (you can directly from them), suggest how and where to get there, help with phones and other things. We stopped at them for 4 years in a row and will continue in the same spirit!

  • dan zee

    dan zee


    Dark and old but amazing value for the price.

  • Владимир Холмогоров

    Владимир Холмогоров


    Not bad! Clean and comfortable.

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