Newport Hotel Kutaisi • სასტუმრო ნიუპორტ ქუთაისი i Kutaisi

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GeorgienNewport Hotel Kutaisi • სასტუმრო ნიუპორტ ქუთაისი



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1, Newport Street, 4600, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 219 27 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.2727506, Longitude: 42.7066639

kommentar 5

  • mariam mamiashvili

    mariam mamiashvili


    With a great location , friendly and helpfull stuff 🧡🙏

  • Vano Benidze

    Vano Benidze


    Extremely clean, modern and well equipped rooms. Very good breakfast, helpful staff and great service. Free Parking as very convenient. One of the best hotels in Kutaisi!

  • Anna Grzeszczak

    Anna Grzeszczak


    It's an excellent place. Such a good, friendly atmosphere. 💛

  • Abdullah Almalki

    Abdullah Almalki


    Very nice hotel, furniture looks brand new and the bed mattress was very comfortable. We had a small issue with our passports and the reception and hotel manager helped us and were very cooperative. The breakfast was delicious with variety of options. For sure i will stay in this hotel again.

  • saif sebai

    saif sebai


    Excellent staff,, the best we dealt with in Georgia 🇬🇪, clean and comfortable

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