Hotel Continental i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHotel Continental



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63a, II Lane, Bukhaidze Street, Kutaisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 431 23 06 02
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.264249, Longitude: 42.671351

kommentar 5

  • دودي العشل

    دودي العشل


    Lovely hotel but not comfortable bed its okay but need for good matrices👍 on general the receptionist guy is good and helpful. Price good for it

  • Shajahan Sideeque

    Shajahan Sideeque


    Located in the middle of the city with very friendly hosts, it is very economical considering reasonably big sized rooms & breakfast inclusive.

  • Aziz Omar

    Aziz Omar


    Good hotel

  • Nika Rtveliashvili

    Nika Rtveliashvili


    I like this hotel. Cozy, comfortable, clear place.

  • Dominika Rutkowska

    Dominika Rutkowska


    We chose for a family room which met our requirements. It was clean, spacious, hotel stuff was friendly and very helpful (they checked for us some car-rental companies, solve quickly some problem with a small leakage in our bathroom). Breakfast in a form of a buffet (smorgasbord) with a large variety of meals, sandwiches, drinks, juices. At the back side it was a nice garden with wooden chairs and tables. The location was typical for the city of Kutaisi - it was surrounded by blocks of flats which are everywhere in the same condition (demanding a renovation) but we felt there very safe anyway. We visited the city by foot so we could see how do people live there on everyday. We recommend this hotel to everybody!

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