Hostel Mandaria i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienHostel Mandaria


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33, Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 67 76 77
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Latitude: 42.2508138, Longitude: 42.6844768

kommentar 5

  • Károly Lajkó

    Károly Lajkó


    Awesome place to stay with nice service and cha cha :D

  • Rens Stehouwer

    Rens Stehouwer


    Nice and clean. The owner will take good care of you. Recommended!

  • Eva Francová

    Eva Francová


    Unfortunately, I can not recommend this hostel. We booked this hostel for 1 night/4 people. At the beginning it looked amazing. Communication with David (owner/manager) went perfectly. He offered us the transfer to airport etc. The accommodation was clean and cozy and not far from the Marshrutkas´ station. David also offered us the luggage storage for the afternoon before our flight and we made use of this opportunity. However when we get back from the town he started to blame us without justification for broken shelf which were mysteriously hidden (and found during regular cleaning) under one of our mattress. As well as he started to threatened us with police (unless we take our stuff within one hour from the luggage room and go away)... Sorry David you´ve disappointed us. One star just for air conditioned and clean room with own bathroom.

  • Simone Takahashi

    Simone Takahashi


    Location is great just 1.6 km from bus stop. Easy to find it! Close to markets and grocery stores. The owner speaks good English and he is so helpful! Rooms are new, clean and comfortable. Very good kitchen and common area. WiFi is strong. Maybe the stairs to access are bit tiring but nothing worse ....

  • H Eva

    H Eva


    I was here first when it was still under construction and returned this year and saw all the improvements. 🙂 The owner/host helps with anything you need, the location is good, the restaurant in the opposite side of the street is awesome. The best place for backpackers or even families. I would come back if I ever return to Georgia.

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