Georgianize Yourself i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienGeorgianize Yourself



🕗 åbningstider

41, Nikoladze Street, 4600, Kutaisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 595 22 50 05
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.2700998, Longitude: 42.6800967

kommentar 5

  • Eszter Papp

    Eszter Papp


    Best hostel in town, I stayed here during all 4 of my visits to Kutaisi, and it feels like coming home. I can only recommend it.

  • Pi Baz

    Pi Baz


    Very nice place, calm, good situation, sympathique owner Always ready to help

  • Direncan Uğurlu

    Direncan Uğurlu


    Really nice hostel, comfy rooms and beds, nice bathrooms, amazing common space and well equipped kitchen. Staff is really helpful and friendly, speaking good English. There is free tea and coffee in the kitchen (and nesquick powder:). Markets are also available nearby. Lastly it is bit far from the center but very easy to reach by public transport.

  • Vitaliy Kravchenko

    Vitaliy Kravchenko


    Great hostel in private house, nice hosters!

  • Ilan Lorenzi

    Ilan Lorenzi


    We arrived my wife and I, by chance this wonderful hostel. The owner came to pick us up from the city center despite the late hour echoes. Lovely place with a first floor with a living [we saw soccer game ] kitchen, washing machine. And more rooms. We took a double room which included a shower and toilet. The place is clean and highly recommended. The lodge owners also can arrange tours in Georgia, in short, a winning team

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