Meridian i Kutaisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Shartava Street 15a , turn, 1, Kutaisi 4600, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 577 31 00 34
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.2632614, Longitude: 42.6744028

kommentar 5

  • Bimmy Binoy

    Bimmy Binoy


    Too bad was not even worth the money . The bathrooms weren't clean and didn't have locks . The kitchen wash basin was leaking and the entire floor was wet and dirty. Hoste asked us extra 5 laris for using stove and gas . Plus he charged 1% as his comission .

  • Myriam Dore

    Myriam Dore


    The place is very clean (in fact brand new now), the owner is very nice, helpful and speaks English. It’s from a walking distance to Kutaisi bus station.

  • Kamil Mossakowski

    Kamil Mossakowski


    Very helpful host, clean, good food

  • Alexey Sysuev

    Alexey Sysuev


    Wonderful place. If you want to enjoy Kutaisi, then you are here. Very hospitable hosts. Absolutely new rooms in which the owners put their soul into the construction. In addition, they took part in the production of homemade wine and immediately tasted it.

  • ალეკო მინდორაშვილი

    ალეკო მინდორაშვილი


    Cozy and wonderful place

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