Отель Семь Гор i г. Сухум

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GeorgienОтель Семь Гор


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5, Chukbar Street (Former Portovala II), 354000, г. Сухум
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 42.9882213, Longitude: 40.9713859

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Mahon

    Anthony Mahon


    Russia stops occupying Georgia

  • Александр Земцов

    Александр Земцов


    Beauty, I recommend to everyone

  • Александра Ломовцева

    Александра Ломовцева


    Wonderful hotel and wonderful hostess. When we arrived as a family, we were greeted by two beautiful, rosy smiling girls, we were accommodated in a clean, new, fresh room. We were hospitably told where everything is. The atmosphere of friendliness united all the guests at this hotel, together with the hostess. We all rested together, had a great time, had fun, went to watch football and together worried about our guys in sports. We sang songs, met local stars, local residents, made friends with everyone, we all felt the whole soulfulness of this country, all the kindness and warmth of its people. Stunning nature, sea, wonderful weather added to our positive impression! We recommend this hotel to everyone, it is not far from the sea, there are all the necessary shops, cafes and canteens nearby. The hostess is always responsive and ready to help in any matter. If you go to this place you will definitely not regret it, well, only at one moment, when you leave, and after that you will long for such a fabulous vacation!

  • Ranel Sattarov

    Ranel Sattarov


    Quiet and peaceful. Amenities in the room, in the evening you can sit in the company of vacationers. The owner will help in any way she can. If necessary and if there is time, she herself can throw you somewhere in the city. Agree on excursions. For Abkhazia, quite 5 points.

  • татьяна гросфельд

    татьяна гросфельд


    I rested with my granddaughter for two weeks at the end of May. The hotel is new, the room is large, comfortable and very clean, which has everything you need. In the courtyard there is a kitchenette, (if you are tired and you don't want to go anywhere) you can cook a meal, a mini playground for a child, but almost all the time we went somewhere, walked. It is very convenient that there is a clean sea nearby, there are few people. Also within walking distance of a children's center, shops, public transport. Market and city center 5-10 min drive. And a special thanks to the hostesses. They were really surprised! Out of all the armor (booked 3 hotels), they alone asked when and where to come to meet, met, grabbed a suitcase, and brought it to the car. They immediately offered to show the city, told where, what is, where to eat better, what to see. The granddaughter got a cold, we agreed with the doctor, took, brought. We were taken to New Athos, to Ochamchira for hot springs. In general, it is very long to list everything. I have been to different countries, I saw everything, but such a good attitude for the first time, which is very nice! So, I recommend it for young people, families with children, pensioners. And if something is missing, as they say above, then I will say that the price-quality is very consistent!

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