КАЛИПСО i Sokhumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Республика Абхазия, г.Сухум ул. проспект Мира,250, Sokhumi
kontakter telefon: +7 940 927-15-95
internet side: calypso-sukhum.ru
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Latitude: 43.0015252, Longitude: 41.0234153

kommentar 5

  • Марина Штоль

    Марина Штоль


    Отличный отель. Если в Сухум, то только в Calypso!!!

  • Александр Протасов

    Александр Протасов


    Как по мне , одна из лучших кофеин Сухума. Кофе по восточному с апельсином очень понравилось.

  • Мераб Хашба

    Мераб Хашба


    Territorially almost the center of the city, one hundred meters to the sea, near the central market, just right for family holidays, patio (pattio) attentive staff.

  • Мария Панасенко

    Мария Панасенко


    Close to the sea. The hotel is good, so there are no questions about the state of furniture, plumbing, bedding. Everything is of high quality and exceeds expectations from a hotel in this price category. Friendly and helpful staff. Convenient and safe parking.

  • Андрей Кибаленко

    Андрей Кибаленко


    Awesome hotel! The rooms are comfortable and beautiful. Everything is very clean, taking out the trash every day, cleaning every 3 days! The coolest thing is the staff! Its own cafe with prices as in the dining room. Prepared from under the knife👍 From now on, only here for a comfortable and relaxing stay.

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