Hostel i Sochumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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54, набережная Махаджиров, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 940 935-85-05
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.998124, Longitude: 41.022629

kommentar 5

  • Ataman Kucba

    Ataman Kucba



  • Has Sheozhev

    Has Sheozhev


    Friendly.. Suitable price..wonderful location .

  • Jade Cemre Erciyes

    Jade Cemre Erciyes


    The first City Hostel in Sukhum, at the capital of the Republic of Abkhazia. It has a very good location, very clean rooms and good price especially if you are sharing with a fellow traveler but also good price if you want to have your own room. I am actually a resident in the city but suggest to all international travelers and my guests who want to stay in their own privacy. The host Jabagh is always very friendly, kind and we have organised various tours with him through Abkhazia to show around professional photographers and travelers alike. A great place to stay short or long stay.

  • John Sakon

    John Sakon


    Very clean homestay run by a nice family. Rooms are in a separate part of the house for privacy. Neighbors are all friendly too :)

  • Unstoppable



    I have a memorable trip at this wonderful place! John and his Friend can speak English well and they are really a very friendly person! The hostel is also very nice! Unfortunately I din left the contact from John, if u visit there, please help me get his email and contact me, thank you!

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