Ноев Ковчег i Sochumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienНоев Ковчег


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д. 4, Казачья улица, 384900, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 940 773-59-19
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.9903259, Longitude: 40.9648895

kommentar 5

  • Lika Zhukova

    Lika Zhukova


    Excellent hotel!

  • Ibolit66



    Perfect place. The room has everything you need, air conditioning, shower, bathroom, refrigerator, TV, furniture (wardrobe, bedside tables, table), dishes, kettle. In front of the entrance there is a drying rack and a table with chairs for a snack overlooking the pools. Pools - two, an adult, with a depth of 1.5 m to 1.8 m and a child, about 0.8 m. If you wish, you can cook yourself in the common room, where there are dishes, a stove, a refrigerator and a sink. There is an inexpensive home dining room nearby though. There are several shops within 100 m. To the sea a maximum of 250 meters. The cost of living is more than adequate. At 70m there is a stop, from where there are 5 stops to the center of Sukhum by trolley bus (fare 5 rubles in summer 2021 prices), bus (10 rubles) or minibus (20 rubles). The staff are great. Thank you very much for your stay in July 2021. Special thanks to Olga Viktorovna, the chief administrator of this wonderful place!

  • Геннадий Кварчия

    Геннадий Кварчия


    Conveniently located, bossin for adults and children.

  • Дмитрий Адлейба

    Дмитрий Адлейба


  • Юлия Михеева

    Юлия Михеева


    Remarkably simple class

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