Кафе Южанка i Карлово

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GeorgienКафе Южанка



🕗 åbningstider

2, Chanba Street, Карлово
kontakter telefon: +995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.087821, Longitude: 40.811825

kommentar 5

  • Lavrik Fettah

    Lavrik Fettah


    Cafe, near the cave, in New Athos, where you can always eat deliciously.

  • MAS



    If you bring them with a guided tour, you should know that there are ten times better places within walking distance. They are taken by agreement, during the excursions, no one else is there, I don't know how the rest of the time. Menu - a dozen items a la Soviet canteen, at a price tag x2. Taste is mediocre, even considering that he was hungry.

  • Александр Баталов

    Александр Баталов


    Better to die of hunger than to eat here. No choice, food is so-so. A shameful place.

  • Dim Mants

    Dim Mants


    The menu is specially for excursions, the taste is also for an amateur, in general, if during the excursion they bring lunch to this institution, know that there is nothing to do here and 200 rubles for a "tasty" porridge is also such yourself, it is better to take something with you. and for connoisseurs of local cuisine there is a dish called mamalyga with beans and cheese. Bon Appetit!

  • Ильсия Абдулхаева

    Ильсия Абдулхаева


    Deliciously prepared. The prices are optimal.

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