Гостевой Дом И Кафе Апра i Gudauta

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GeorgienГостевой Дом И Кафе Апра



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Makhajirs Street, Gudauta
kontakter telefon: +995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0997574, Longitude: 40.6328451

kommentar 5

  • Nadezhda Morozova

    Nadezhda Morozova


    The food is very much even 👌 in terms of cost and quality, definitely 5! Trout on the grill fire, delicious cocktail. I recommend!

  • Silk Indian

    Silk Indian


    Very cozy cafe! The food is delicious! Good service, prices, like everywhere else.

  • Татьяна Чупова

    Татьяна Чупова


    Two years ago we rested here, came again. I like it very much - the room is beautiful, clean and has everything you need: two beds, a table, a refrigerator, a wardrobe, a shower cubicle, a toilet, a washbasin, and a hairdryer. Yes, there is a TV and a kettle. And two chairs. To the sea 5min, to the market 10min. The sea is clean here. There are few people on the beach - from breakwater to breakwater, 5 people maximum. It is wonderful to walk along the embankment. There is a tour desk opposite Apra. We went with them to jeeping to the Achandar waterfalls and to the cave - super! Stunning cave, waterfalls, barbecue picnic, local wine, chacha, cheese and vegetables. We went on an excursion to New Athos and to Pitsunda for an organ concert. We swam a lot. What is a minus for budget tourists is eating is a problem. Breakfast in the Apra cafe is included in the room rate. It is simple, porridge, sandwich or casserole, tea, well, we had enough. But lunch, dinner - the portions are tiny and expensive. Spent 700r together, and hungry. This is a minus.

  • Румия Евдокимова

    Румия Евдокимова


    Were at the beginning of May. Convenient location, sea around the corner, market 5 minutes, stop of transport go through the market, through the railway tracks, there you can take a minibus towards Psou and towards Sukhum. Rooms are small but everything is new and the beds and pillows are comfortable. The room has a toilet, shower, hairdryer, refrigerator, kettle and cups, TV - we don't watch at home, but here we have such a high-quality image, we even watched a couple of movies))) there is an exit from the room on two sides, we lived on the 2nd floor. Breakfasts are modest, but probably like everywhere else in Abkhazia, porridge, sandwich, scrambled eggs. The hostesses are very attentive, Valentina and Inga, they reacted to the slightest request, they were cleaned every three days, but we didn’t litter, we didn’t need it))) The only negative were the neighbour's cats, they left slaps at the door, they were marked, but we ourselves are to blame

  • Maxim Ar

    Maxim Ar


    Mom, Dmitry, thank you! We liked you very much! The kitchen is good, the staff is helpful. Maxim and Tanya in a rusty pickup truck ❤️

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