Кафе Лебедь i Akhali Atoni

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GeorgienКафе Лебедь


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Tbilisi - Senaki - Leselidze Highway, Akhali Atoni
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 43.0842332, Longitude: 40.8166012

kommentar 5

  • Владимир Комков

    Владимир Комков


    Место классное. Кухня НЕТ! С годами ничего не меняется. Радут цены и бесплатный wifi Обслуживают долго, еда не вкусная. Этт место просто попить вина/пива/кофе. Не более того. Ну и конечно наслалиться видами. Есьи бы не виды, моя оценка была бы 1⭐

  • Roman Trains

    Roman Trains


    The most noticeable place on the Gagra-Sukhum road, a kind of mark of the path traveled. It is beautiful from the outside, and I want to sit on the island. You can just sit with a cocktail.

  • matvey timoshkin

    matvey timoshkin


    The service is fast, they took khinkali and lyulya. Lyulya. Was done well, the khinkali seemed to be frozen 😕

  • Оксана Миловская

    Оксана Миловская


    Beautiful place. Were in the evening, rested from the heart. The waiters and chefs are very welcoming and friendly. They took trout and "peacock's tail". This is something 🤪 very tasty, and relatively inexpensive! Recommended. Thanks again to the girls for the service and the wonderful atmosphere. Let's go back unambiguously

  • Натали Натали

    Натали Натали


    I want to write about the Flamingo cafe, which for some reason is not on the map, but it is located next to the Swan. Tried only desserts in the form of apple strudel and ice cream in bowls, as well as coffee and wine. The ice cream is very tasty, a true ice cream, and not the usual popsicles or milk ice, which are served everywhere in other establishments. And the strudel is warm, delicious, cinnamon is served separately. I liked it very much, try it - you will not regret it

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