Brigantine Coffee i Sochumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienBrigantine Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

ул. Конфедератов 2А г. Сухум, Республика, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 940 999-80-80
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.9978419, Longitude: 41.0214331

kommentar 5

  • Elen Bo

    Elen Bo


    Delicious coffee, pastries. At 8-30 am are already open. Recommend

  • Rinat Islamov

    Rinat Islamov


    Есть WIFI. Внутри не так много места, но зато прикольно оформлено внешнее пространство, там можно посидеть.

  • Павел Смолоногин

    Павел Смолоногин


    Was here on June 3, 2021 with my wife and saw an incredible performance! The keychain, which signals the readiness of the order, beeped and I went to pick up the order, as a result, the order was not ready, and I made a comment that you were just driving customers away. After that, some Nurik ran out (or something like that), introduced himself to the cafe employees and started a showdown with me in a rude manner on the street in front of other clients, that I made the wrong remark. As a result, he ran away somewhere and after 10 minutes came running with the money. He put us 1000 on the table and said that he was paying for the order. By the way, the coffee tasted awful, probably on purpose. In general, whoever wants to drink tasteless coffee for free and watch the performance of the clown Nurik, be sure to come by!

  • Татьяна Краснова

    Татьяна Краснова


    Great coffee shop. Make a delicious RAF. There is a toilet and wifi

  • Max Kharitonov

    Max Kharitonov


    Perfect place! Great coffee. Drinks are also credible .. special praises to the team of like-minded people who make everyone around the world brighter and tastier)

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