Гуада i Akhali Atoni

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Tbilisi - Senaki - Leselidze Highway, Akhali Atoni
kontakter telefon: +7 940 753-53-53
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Latitude: 43.0846417, Longitude: 40.8130028

kommentar 5

  • Карина Студзинская

    Карина Студзинская


    Too bad you can't put 0 stars! We went with my spouse to have dinner, missed European cuisine, and this restaurant is right next to the hotel where we were resting. Initially, expectations were positive: full seating, everyone eats, everyone is happy. We went into the hall, sat down at the table. We wait. We wait. We wait. Well, no, she herself asked for a menu across the hall, already tired of waiting. Apparently, the waitress was terribly busy with the proceedings, where is her brain, and where are her legs and how to start walking around the hall. We helped. She brought the menu with such a sour expression, as if we had asked to show her to the guillotine entrance to the stage, there, under this strange blade. Okay, thanks for bringing me. The mood became better: a table on the street was vacated, where we hurried. But then they stopped, seeing the oil painting: the dog ate straight from the visitor's plate, after which the sofa barely had time to cool down. A lichen-like cat was lying on another sofa. The waitress finally smiled: what a cute little belly eating! Well, I would recommend this place to a zhivotinka, I would not recommend it to people.

  • Anna Evseeva

    Anna Evseeva


    An excellent place among those visited in New Athos, probably the best. Nice interior, soft music, delicious food. The only place where the tip is not included in the bill is on the machine (see the photo of the receipt below). We took Caesar with chicken, after reading the reviews below, really worthy Caesar (not with Chinese cabbage, as in a cafe on the shore 🤦🏻‍♀️). Noodle soup - my husband said one of the best that he had tried 👌 the serving is also interesting, we liked it. Belgian waffles - in my opinion, are slightly overdried, they can be tastier. Of the minuses: the waiter did not know the composition of the dishes, it was unexpected. And I didn't ask what kind of syrup I would like on the waffle.

  • Said Chagava

    Said Chagava


    Сидели компанией из трех человек с хорошим настроением (приехали специально из Сухума) 1) заказали вино Чегем, нам сказали что оно закончилось (его нужно было купить в соседнем магазине и подать клиенту) 2) заказали пиво но ждали его долго (подали бы чуть раньше выпили бы на 6 бакалов больше, а это недополученная прибыль). 3) нет функции вызова официанта (нужно ждать пока она по обходу придёт или звать её через все заведение или ещё хуже идти за ней). 4) заказали 3 блюда ( сначала подали одно и через 25 мин другие). Заказ компании из трех человек нужно подорвать все вместе, а то один ест два смотрят, потом наоборот. 5)заказали повторно пиво 3 бокала(ждали его почти 30 мин, и аппетит пропал). Сначала мы пили без закуски, потом ели без выпивки. 6)один заказ перепутали и принесли не то что заказали. Было бы весело если бы не грустно. 7) 2 раза заказывали кортофель (одинаковый) принесли в разной посуде. 8) заказали стейк (порции очень маленькие) С учётом несвоевременной почачи еды и алкоголя цена не обоснованно завышена. Если честно лучше бы остались в Сухуме и пошли в ресторан "Леон".

  • А. Б.

    А. Б.


    I read negative reviews on Tripadvisor. But we were probably lucky with both the food and the service, because we returned to this restaurant. European cuisine restaurant. We took a warm salad of chicken liver, lula, grilled vegetables, pumpkin soups, carrot dessert, dry wine Ashta Lash - everything was at 5. The chef understands what he is working with. At the same time, I will clarify that we have something to compare with, more than once we have been to Michelin restaurants 1-2 *. Guada is certainly not a stellar restaurant, but a very decent menu and acceptable service. Cons: 1. On the veranda you need pillows, it is uncomfortable to sit and eat. Or tables and chairs of standard height. 2. Personnel need to pay attention to guests: scan the hall, read requests on the behavior of guests, be more attentive. In short, intense training won't hurt. 3. Tipping. Everywhere in Abkhazia they automatically write 10% to the account. Everywhere they rub in information that this is not a tip, but the alleged cost of chemistry, tablecloths, etc. But anyone who is even a little familiar with restaurant pricing understands that this is complete nonsense. This is the tip. In France, Germany, etc., a tip is also included in the bill and guests leave no more than 0.5-2 € on top if they really liked it.

  • Andrey Tyurin

    Andrey Tyurin


    Excellent. Like in Europe.

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