Балкон i Gudauta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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музей, Gudauta
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 43.099141, Longitude: 40.6355189

kommentar 5

  • Николай Краснов

    Николай Краснов


    Блюда так себе, ценник высокий, Чикенбургер ждали 1ч 10мин. С момента заказа. Лучше в г. Сухум съездить поужинать, там обошлось в 2 раза дешевле, вкуснее и оперативно.

  • Елена Ибрагимова

    Елена Ибрагимова


    Столовская еда по ресторанным ценам. Очень долго ждали официанта и ещё дольше - пока принесут заказ. Единственный плюс - красивый вид на море

  • Sanches O

    Sanches O


    Were here today, 12 August 2021. We searched for reviews on google. We didn’t regret it. Very large restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating. The local singer performs various songs of popular performers mixed with original songs about Abkhazia. Wifi is up and running). We ordered a medallion with dor blue sauce and Edelweiss (also made from beef), strudel with pear, homemade lemonades: with berries and tarragon. The menu was brought in immediately. Dinner had to wait about half an hour. But it was worth it. Everything is very tasty, the meat is not tough, the sauces are great. The lemonades are very decent. The cherry on top of the cake was a huge strudel with ice cream that took a long time to cook. To say that it was delicious is to say nothing. He melted in his mouth. A real dessert. Thanks to the chef and the waitress serving us! We will definitely come back here again!

  • Ольга Ласкарева

    Ольга Ласкарева


    Very nice restaurant on the seashore. Delicious, not very clean. The staff is fast but not very attentive. Hearty lunch for three with alcohol - 2000 rubles.

  • Pranske Aš

    Pranske Aš


    Nice place, free WiFi

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