Нартаа i Sochumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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52, набережная Махаджиров, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 840 226-33-39
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Latitude: 42.998298, Longitude: 41.022903

kommentar 5

  • Наталья Барышева

    Наталья Барышева


    A great place to have a delicious meal and spend time with a variety of dishes. What an excellent Boat here. We must give credit to the chefs for their skill. In principle, food is served very quickly, even with a heavy workload. The prices are quite affordable. I recommend to visit.

  • Александр Аркатов

    Александр Аркатов


    This is the best place visited in Abkhazia this year. Good menu, the waiters are super !!! Atmospheric, for every taste. The children did not leave the fountain. Despite the large number of guests, they were served quickly. Very tasty!

  • Ирина Буткалюк

    Ирина Буткалюк


    Luxurious cozy interior, there is a fountain inside. The food is simply amazingly delicious. I have never eaten such delicious khachapuri in my life. Lamb shish kebab is tender and almost without fat, they ordered eggplants with walnuts, you will also lick your fingers deliciously. The prices are ridiculous by Russian standards. I definitely recommend

  • Sw De

    Sw De


    Really tasty, as in the numerous reviews. Almost all the tables are occupied, but this does not prevent the waiters from quickly bringing the order. They help to call a taxi directly to the entrance to the restaurant (from the city side, not the embankment). Awesome lamb shish kebab, cheeses, pickles!

  • АнчО Ус

    АнчО Ус


    Great restaurant, delicious, super fast serving even when fully seated! The prices are pleasantly surprising, a huge number of seats. From wishes - to change the appearance of the menu and expand the coffee menu (add latte, cappuccino, etc.)

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