Ресторан Вершина i Sochumi

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GeorgienРесторан Вершина



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2, Leona Avenue, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 940 788-80-80
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Latitude: 42.9992481, Longitude: 41.0246276

kommentar 5

  • Алексей Ковальчук

    Алексей Ковальчук


    Another great place in Sukhum. We tried most of the menu, everything is fine. Have been there several times. Recommended!

  • Вера Власова

    Вера Власова


    We visited Abkhazia in August 2021. We discovered the classy Vershina restaurant. We visited all the restaurants on the Sukhum embankment, this place turned out to be the most worthy. Every time we visited, delicious breakfasts (open from 8 am), lunches and dinners were waiting for us. As regular guests, we were pampered with compliments from the establishment. The kitchen is delicious, in the evening when the full seating is in the hall, we have to wait, but we were not bothered, we understand that everything is prepared from under the knife, and not something that was cooked the day before and warmed up in the microwave. The interior is stylish, the music is not annoying, the staff is polite.

  • Наталья Мартынова

    Наталья Мартынова


    The interior is nice, the service is not the worst. Entering the restaurant, we expected to receive a decent service. Our group of 7 people ordered food and drinks, but as it turned out, some dishes were inedible. Soup-tasteless, Fatty (chicken noodles). The cucumbers in the salad are insanely bitter. And lettuce leaves are rotten in places and blackened around the edges. Liked the grilled trout. However, in the side dish (steamed vegetables) there were similar lettuce leaves (far from fresh and poorly washed), zucchini with traces of spoilage. Good turkey, liver shish kebab is overdried and presented, in a tabbouleh salad there are 5 bulgur grains. Okroshka did not go with the freshness and contrast of the structure of tough beef. Salted salmon is delicious, but the aforementioned would-be salad is added to it (in the country of greenery, with access to the market) We liked the drinks, including homemade lemonade (but here, too, there is no curiosity - there is no mint / lime filter, we had to spit out the sediment in a corner). Served quickly, a little more than 4 thousand on a check. Inexpensive, but generally unpleasant to choose and play edible / inedible on vacation

  • Асмик Шарова

    Асмик Шарова


    Only soup and serving dishes are delicious! The staff is friendly, everything is clean! The meat is not cooked tasty and for me at 7 o'clock in the evening there was almost nothing, only everything that can be cooked on the grill! '

  • Даниил Давыдов

    Даниил Давыдов


    Polite waiters. Does not pump. Fast service. Nice interior. Establishing fire! 🔥 I recommend to visit.

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