Cafe-Restaurant Belii Parus i Kobuleti

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GeorgienCafe-Restaurant Belii Parus


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ул. Агмашенебели №311, Kobuleti 6100, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 577 92 16 80
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Latitude: 41.8698406, Longitude: 41.7769367

kommentar 5

  • Dariusz



    I recommend it, nice service, delicious food

  • Николай Колесникович

    Николай Колесникович


    After visiting the restaurant "White Sail" we have only positive emotions. Very tasty food, hospitable and attentive staff. Special thanks to the restaurant owner Michael for the warm welcome. I really liked his concert program, especially singing live :). If you want to have a good time and eat deliciously, then we highly recommend this establishment. P.S Commentator Lesha Lesch, obviously was in another restaurant because there is no rusty iron door.

  • Алина



    Rested in late June, early July 2019. 2 times visited this wonderful institution. If you want to stay in a warm home environment and try the most delicious kebab on the coast, then you are here. The owner of the institution Misha is a very sincere, hospitable person. Nowhere did I meet so that the owner of the place would communicate with each guest. You can order music to your taste, dance. Each gift of wine in a jug, prices will pleasantly surprise you. And if you want to celebrate your birthday in the White Sail, you will receive a cake and champagne as a gift. I also want to mention a very pleasant, sincere, friendly staff. Thank you for the wonderful atmosphere and a very comfortable pastime. I sincerely wish you prosperity and all the best !!!

  • Леша Лёша

    Леша Лёша


    Absolutely overvalued restaurant, and certainly not the best in Kobuleti. Far not the best. Let's start with the fact that the menu indicates that the menu contains only Azerbaijani and Georgian cuisine, but for some reason you can order mashed potatoes, french fries, beef stroganoff and much more something that does not fully correspond to the kitchen of these two countries. At first, I ordered kharcho. There were three huge pieces of meat in it, or rather not meat, but bones on which there was nothing but fat. spicy and cold. In general, kharcho is a complete n oval. Then beef stroganoff. It was in principle a good one, if not the contrast in pieces of meat. For example, you chew a delicate, beautiful meat piece, then take a second, and it is hard, it’s hard to chew on ooooochen I cut my gum twice. In general, Beef Stroganoff 3/10. and not as terrible as all the other dishes, but inside and they are not broth, but simply hot water. As a result, I put this institution on 3/10. Do not go to it. And people who praise it as the best restaurant in the city, those most likely there simply thump, and do not try food.

  • Вадим Хартлинг

    Вадим Хартлинг


    The kitchen is not bad, the price tag is average. But ... Half of the dishes were not available, there was no sauce either, they offered ketchup. They brought the cheapest store surrogate. Served for a very long time, no interior. Tipping is included in the check, although I do not understand what the tip is for. Hard chairs without pillows. The musical arrangement also leaves much to be desired. That chanson, something thieves. Volume at maximum. As a gift bring 200 grams of wine. Apparently for this put high marks.

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