Retro i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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54/62, Zurab Gorgiladze Street, 6010, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 579 51 17 22
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6453747, Longitude: 41.6257422

kommentar 5

  • Кирил Стронько

    Кирил Стронько


    Me and all my friends got food poisoning after visiting your place. Just on the day before a plane. Thanks a lot for unforgettable night in toilet! Can't believe you're not able to afford fresh products to serve with such prices!

  • Nessa X

    Nessa X


    First of all the food was delicious! I took one star away because the table on our right side got their orders before us, 6 main dishes, even though they came later than us. Another thing that bothered me was that my boyfriend and I did not get our food at the same time, which was very disappointing because I had to eat my food first, warm food hits better 😬🤤. And again the table on the right side got their food at the same time. It is a very busy place so be prepared not to get a free table.

  • Murat Songür

    Murat Songür


    I’ve been here a few times and I can say without hesitation that the personnel is very rude and uncaring. Especially on peak hours it is like wild west where you have to fight for a table when the waiters and the manager is turning their heads to avoid contact with you. There are lots of better places to eat.

  • Varvara Strichenko

    Varvara Strichenko


    Everything was great, staff speaks Russian pretty well and waiter recommend me their must tries. Service was fast and food was delicious. Thanks a lot for hospitality

  • Mildred Martínez Fernández

    Mildred Martínez Fernández


    The food is amazing and the personnel is nice and really helpful. All the questions we made, Ana answered them so nicely. Definitely a must to visit in Batumi. We recommend to have the tarragon beverage, we have never tasted something like this before and we loved it. Also the Americano coffee is recommended, nice taste and temperature. Recommended 200%

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