Tetri Etli i Kobuleti

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienTetri Etli


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Agmashenebeli Street 528, Kobuleti 6010, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 593 34 14 31
internet side: ok.ru
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Latitude: 41.80873, Longitude: 41.728493

kommentar 5

  • Sveta Merkulova

    Sveta Merkulova


    We really enjoyed our stay in Tetri Etli. The sea is nearby, delicious food, very friendly staff, ready to help at any time of the day. Special thanks to Badri and Nino for the excellent organization of our stay.

  • elena angel

    elena angel


    We rested from 10.7 to 19.7. All liked it. The hotel is clean, the rooms are not large, but everything is there, a TV with Russian channels, a refrigerator, air conditioning. Cleaned on demand, there are gazebos on the territory. Close to the sea, close to many shops and cafes. Delicious food, did not go hungry

  • Алесь Бутэнка

    Алесь Бутэнка


    We rested from 03.08 to 11.08. The hotel is perfectly located - the sea is near, many shops. The rooms are clean, the bathroom is combined with a shower (for us it wasn’t any inconvenience), cleaning on demand - no problem. The food is good. All liked it! Recommend!

  • Yusif Quliyev

    Yusif Quliyev


    Super mesto! Idealnoe obslujivanie! Otlicnoe mesto dlya xorosoqo otdixa.Mi lyubim vas)

  • Famil Hasanov

    Famil Hasanov


    Thanks to all the staff of the hotel for a great stay from 20 06 to 25 06 2019. The sea at 50 meters food is excellent and the owner of the hotel Badri is a golden man who knows his business. Thanks to Agakerim and Yusif - we constantly tried to make it interesting and fun. Next year, only Tetri Etli is for us. Sincerely, Famil Ganja.

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