Stamba Hotel i თბილისი

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GeorgienStamba Hotel



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0108, მერაბ კოსტავას ქუჩა, თბილისი, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 02 11 99
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.7056644, Longitude: 44.7878749

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve Basil


    Disappointing. Both the menu, but predominantly the service,was sub-standard, especially in comparison to Stamba Cafe's sister-restaurant, The Kitchen, of Rooms Hotel. The breakfast was more expensive then Rooms but offered less (i.e. specialty eggs, pancakes, and such are additional charges); no cut fruit, and self-serve coffee that you must retrieve from one coffee carafe that all patrons eating breakfast are waiting for and is constantly empty. Understanding full well that Stamba recently opened and are working out kinks, they certainly are not giving the customers a break with the prices they charge while they figure this all out. It took approximately 10 minutes for the waiting staff to bring a jug of water, and when I did receive it, it had a hair in it. When I brought this to the attention of the waiting staff, they didn't even apologize. Accidents happen all the time, an apology is a simple gesture that doesn't cost much but goes a long way. The menu was then brought 5 minutes later. Again, I don't mind a new restaurant trying to work out their kinks, but considering this is one of the most expensive breakfasts in Tbilisi, my wallet certainly didn't get a break. Definitively not going back until (and if) they get things in order.

  • en

    Lukas Xvoyski


    Cafe stamba super cool place. Very tasty.

  • en

    David Legrand


    Best new place in Tbilisi , must see, must eat everything you need in one place from entertainment to food to place to stay

  • ika lezhava

    ika lezhava


    The most fabulous place to stay in Tbilisi

  • en

    Nini Zalkaliani


    Unique design hotel in the heart of the city.

nærmeste Kasino

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