Shangri La i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienShangri La



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River Mtkvari Right Embankment მშვიდობის ხიდი, T'bilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 20 07 01
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6932655, Longitude: 44.8072373

kommentar 5

  • Grant Freeman

    Grant Freeman


    I dont gamble but thwir shisha was top notch

  • en

    Amir Bahram Gharagozloo Bahrami


    One of the best casinos in town. After spending all your money you can visit intrsting places close to casino and try to calm your self down

  • en



    As far as I am concerned it is the best casino in the city. Some of the waitresses can be rude but for the most part they are great! Good payouts too. Gambling ok and off for 3 nights we left ahead.

  • moshe cohen

    moshe cohen


    Most of the slot machines, old as not many total, not a kind service. There are more options around tbilisi so if thats your first time in tbilisi go some where else.

  • Lorna Perry

    Lorna Perry


    Great fun , busy local casino , service was nice , pleasant staff who deal the games in a selection of languages to suit their players! There are expat British managers amongst the team and it's easy to ask for help from any of the staff. Usual mix of games , including Baccarat, AR BJ & several versions of poker. Quite a lot of new looking slot machines . I enjoyed.

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