სამორინე შანგრი-ლა i T'bilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Georgienსამორინე შანგრი-ლა



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The Bridge of Peace, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 322 20 07 01
internet side: www.shangrila.ge
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Latitude: 41.6932655, Longitude: 44.8072373

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pouria Afkhami


    Good place to lose your money

  • Sheyda Menbari

    Sheyda Menbari


    i keep calm there with out playing😉

  • Ebrahim Sayadi

    Ebrahim Sayadi


    Its not bad.

  • Lorna Perry

    Lorna Perry


    Great fun , busy local casino , service was nice , pleasant staff who deal the games in a selection of languages to suit their players! There are expat British managers amongst the team and it's easy to ask for help from any of the staff. Usual mix of games , including Baccarat, AR BJ & several versions of poker. Quite a lot of new looking slot machines . I enjoyed.

  • en

    Abhay Bishnoi


    This is such an unwelcoming place. Pathetic service unruly and overtly rude staff. The floor supervisor is NOT there to make your gaming experience enjoyable but just the opposite. Forcing people to lose their money and quickly leave the place. I would highly recommend NOT going to this place but rather going to Casino Iveria which has way better service standards. The one star is only because me and my friends gambled for exactly 15 mins and made 4 times more than what we bought the chips for.

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