Nikala i წყალტუბო

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tsereteli St, 5400, წყალტუბო, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 568 25 32 32
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Latitude: 42.3302599, Longitude: 42.597544

kommentar 5

  • roland kakhadze

    roland kakhadze


    Breakfast was very good

  • Daniel V

    Daniel V


    The room was decent the food was pretty terrible.. and not the friendliest staff..

  • Mohamed Abdelal

    Mohamed Abdelal


    Nikala Hotel is located a 10-minute walk from Tsivi Lake in Tsqaltubo and offers massage services on site. Free private parking and free Wi-Fi are provided. The air-conditioned rooms provide a refrigerator and cable TV. Some rooms have a seating area and balcony. Breakfast is served in the canteen every morning, and guests can also dine at the property's snack bar. Grocery delivery service is available upon request. Kumistavi Cave and Kutaisi Town are both within a 20-minute drive from the hotel. Tsqaltubo Train Station is 3 km away, and Kutaisi Airport is 15 km from Nikala Hotel.

  • Светлана Пейрик

    Светлана Пейрик


    Wonderful hotel in the center of Tskaltubo. Very friendly staff. The complex includes a small restaurant where they cook very tasty.

  • Justin Teplinski

    Justin Teplinski


    I didn't stay at the hotel, but I spoke at a conference hosted there, and ate at the cafe. The chicken soup was very delicious, and the chicken was very moist. The cafe was clean, and I have no complaints.

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