Hello Coffee i T'bilisi

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GeorgienHello Coffee



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2, Mtkvari Street, 0105, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 32 299 01 05
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Latitude: 41.6981912, Longitude: 44.8048365

kommentar 5

  • Thea J

    Thea J


    This is a tiny street coffee shop with some very good Georgian food, and okayish coffee. Located in a historical busy old part of Tbilisi, next to the Central Registry House. Coffee can also be ordered as a takeout from an outside window. Food is typically fresh and very tasty. The place has good Khachapuri (cheese bread), Lobiani (bean bread) and some very good cakes, including one of the best red velvet cakes. This local tiny coffee shop is for stopping by when a person is on the go and definitely not for longer sit-down lunches with long conversations. The place has a limited number of tables inside and no toilets, only a hand washer, and which is not bad. Overall, good food with some okay-ish ambience. More modern renovation would help the place!!

  • Nadeem Rahimi

    Nadeem Rahimi


    Very nice and clean. They have many dishes ready where you get to choose what you and how much you want from them. The pizza was really good (I chose 2 slices) The prices are really fair. After you pay, you can sit inside or take your food and go somewhere else

  • Zahara Diaz de Castro

    Zahara Diaz de Castro


    Nice place with great coffee! Lots of finger food and meals to chose from, with such great prices. Great service and friendly staff. Definitely a hidden gem in the city centre!

  • Wine Lash

    Wine Lash


    would recommend this cafe, good prices, very well and freshly made variety of dishes including pastry - ready to order. 4.4 stars either coffee must be improved or the name should be changed. besides, considering the variety of dishes the name is a bit misleading. toilets would bring more sales

  • Hossein Rezaei

    Hossein Rezaei


    Great place great staff amazing and delicious selection of food and coffee and deserts

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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