Fire Wok Dadiani i T'bilisi

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GeorgienFire Wok Dadiani



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20, Shalva Dadiani Street, T'bilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 571 13 01 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6909877, Longitude: 44.8021831

kommentar 5

  • Shawn Cha

    Shawn Cha


    I liked the place the portion was big and prices were cheap. Just no place to sit and eat. The taste was ok nice and spicy but for me it lacked that flavor kick I was looking for

  • Allan Miso

    Allan Miso


    This was my very first meal in Tbilisi and it was worth every tetri I paid for it. I think I paid only about 12-15 Lari, or even less, with Coke, for a rice with chicken and vegetable meal. The cook spoke very good English and was very helpful. If you're looking for good comfort food (chinese takeout), this place should be on top of your list.

  • jnthn srg

    jnthn srg


    From preparation to cooking. Everything are good!!! Highly recommend for everyone. For take out only.

  • Tilak Prasad Nepal

    Tilak Prasad Nepal


    One of the best Asian fusion cuisine I ever had. This is a very small place so only take away option available. Food is cheap and so yummy. 4 star only because of no dine-in opinion. This place is great and you must visit during your stay in Tbilisi. Chef were very good, I learned that they were from Nepal when they spoke my language. It was a great experience in take away fast food restaurant. PS I went to this place twice on same day as once was not enough.

  • Monter K

    Monter K


    Like the rice noodle with double chicken and baby corn it's amazing and I loved it I order the food regularly they even give chopsticks even though I don't know how to use it can be fun to try I don't like the glass noodles don't know about your taste but rice noodles is dope

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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