Fire Wok i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienFire Wok



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20, Shalva Dadiani Street, Tbilisi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 571 13 01 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.6909877, Longitude: 44.8021831

kommentar 5

  • liliko yvavilashvili

    liliko yvavilashvili


    The best Asian noodles I've ever tasted. For me it's perfect. Only 2 seats and I have to eat somewhere else but still worth it. And I have to mention I've tasted all available asian restaurant noodles in Tbilisi and fire wok is still my favourite. It's my comfort food 😻

  • Becka M

    Becka M


    Hole in the wall, but far from unknown. A steady stream of customers came through while I waited for my food. But there was never a line. No tables, pretty much only take out. The ingredients all look really fresh. Will definitely be going back regularly.

  • en

    Y ZuL


    Good place to get your Asian fix inexpensively. The Indian cook is quite good and he cooks a mean noodle dish. Stick with the noodles and pass on the fried rice. It would be nice if they go less with the seasoning and MSG. A bit too salty for me. But still good stuff for Tbilisi.

  • en

    Michael Kukhelbecker


    What happened?? You used to make the best noodles in town, but now... tasteless noodles, sauces with no flavor at all.. I felt really sick after trying chicken noodles last time! Please improve, or maybe go back to the quality we, all your customers enjoyed. Thank you!

  • Tornike Mzhavia

    Tornike Mzhavia


    Great food and staff. Meals can be customized but taste great anyway. Beware there are no sitting places so you have to manage that

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