Айтар пансионат i Sochumi

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GeorgienАйтар пансионат


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57, Kodori Highway, Sochumi
kontakter telefon: +7 903 109-35-52
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Latitude: 42.9916739, Longitude: 41.0491447

kommentar 5

  • Star-Knight Михаил

    Star-Knight Михаил


    A very large territory of the boarding house, a lot of greenery, the sea is close 1 minute even to the beach, there are sun loungers, umbrellas from the sun, the sea is clean, the beach is well-groomed and there is a restaurant on the beach. These are the standard two-bed rooms.

  • Альберт Важенин

    Альберт Важенин


    Nice boarding house for family holidays. The sea is near. The beach is local, pebble. You can ride a banana and a bun. Rooms for every taste and price.

  • Ольга Петрова

    Ольга Петрова


    Wonderful boarding house! The sea is 3 minutes walk, the beach is clean) The buffet is good. For children - evening animation, there is a playground. Discos, table tennis, football, basketball and volleyball courts combined. A big plus is the large green area of ​​the boarding house. Touched on the territory of peacocks)))

  • Елизавета Брашевец

    Елизавета Брашевец


    The nature is super! The attitude of the staff is super! The maids are lovely! My family and I lived in a cottage, everything is fine there! But!!! The food buffet was very upsetting. We need to change cooks. Only the pastries were good. And the rest is poor. Just because it used to be really tasteless. Therefore, I give you 3 stars. The beach also needs to be improved. There were not enough sun beds. To the center and the market about 15 minutes by bus. Very comfortably. Travel is inexpensive. We often went to the market for fruits and dried fruits. But there they sell things and souvenirs ... who needs what. In general, we were satisfied! In addition to food in the boarding house itself.

  • Zoia Shmeleva

    Zoia Shmeleva


    A wonderful oasis in post-war Abkhazia. Perfect cleanliness on the territory, polite and attentive staff, cozy rooms with air conditioning. On the territory of the boarding house 15 peacocks live, completely tame! The food is beyond praise, special thanks to the sorceress Malina for unrealistically delicious pastries! The food is buffet style, delicious and satisfying. There is everything on the territory, even a small temple. Here you can take a massage course, Lolita will work wonders on your back! Excursions are organized right there, prices are adequate. In general, we will come here again!

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