Karakas i Sochumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ул. Акиртава, д. 27, Sochumi 6624
kontakter telefon: +7 940 772-97-48
internet side: www.spahotelkarakas.ru
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.998061, Longitude: 41.043326

kommentar 5

  • Екатерина Заставная

    Екатерина Заставная


    I liked the hotel very much. The rooms are clean, spacious. Three adults were accommodated in one room without any problems. Cleaning every day, staff very polite and welcoming. Next time just go there.

  • Марина Ермолович

    Марина Ермолович


    Luxurious rest. The hotel staff are so helpful, kind, lovely and very decent. Many thanks to them for the rest for taking care of their guests. It is to such people in such a hotel that you want to return again and again. Thank you very much Saida.

  • Елена Забельская

    Елена Забельская


    We rested with my sister in April, when we moved our tour to Turkey. But we hardly had to regret that the trip there did not take place. Mainly because we ended up in the Caracas hotel. The most hospitable people, a wonderful pool and procedures, a great massage combined with the beautiful nature of Sukhum and its environs made our stay unforgettable. Many thanks to all! The only negative is the lack of breakfast, but it was apparently temporary.

  • GeoX GD!

    GeoX GD!


    If you want to know what a real good hotel is, come here. The best staff that could be found not only throughout Abkhazia, but all over the world, it seems to me. The hotel staff communicate with you as with long-time friends, serve excellent breakfasts with variety every day. There is a pool with hygienic control, if it is important to someone. Separate changing rooms with locks, indoor pool shower. The pool itself is heated with water, 32 degrees. You can swim without climbing, but it is better to leave until 6 hours, because the pool is closed for daily maintenance. The rooms are large and tidy with very high quality furniture and wallpaper. There is an air conditioner, a TV with a video player, a locker for things. Everything is.

  • Светлана Величко

    Светлана Величко


    My colleagues and I stayed there for 2 days. The pool has warm water, it's just awesome! They have such clever staff, golden people, the hotel is clean, beautiful, the furniture is brand new, the hall is like a palace, I have been to different countries, but I have met such hospitality for the first time, now I dream of returning there with my family

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