Tbilisi Funicular i Tbilisi

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GeorgienTbilisi Funicular


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Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 41.6951096, Longitude: 44.7892493

kommentar 5

  • Dawid Bednarczyk

    Dawid Bednarczyk


    Very nice. The only things which is not very nice is that you need to buy a card to load it which is not compatible with a city transport card and if you go there just for one ride you get useless piece of plastic! Not eco friendly at all but a business :/ overally nice, beautiful views!

  • Soheil Poordaryaie Nejad

    Soheil Poordaryaie Nejad


    Great view and good place for kids few games to enjoy

  • שוניתה כהן

    שוניתה כהן


    As said before me, be aware there is a station before that one, called ' lower station'. Follow the line on the map. There's also a park entrance and there you can buy the card for the park and the cable car. Cost us 12GEL for two people way up and back down.

  • en

    Martin Sooneste


    Careful! This is the UPPER station! You need to search for the lower station separately. Also, note that it's going UP only UNTIL 23.30!

  • Sheila Keating

    Sheila Keating


    Built in 1905, this funicular ride took my breath away, mostly from fear of heights and the idea that I was being held by only a cable. The views would be nice on a sunny day. It leaves you at a nice restaurant and strange amusement park. I know the kids would love it. Stop halfway to explore.the church grounds and hike the rest of the way down through the neighborhood.

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