Airport II Railway Station i Tbilisi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienAirport II Railway Station


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Tbilisi, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.6712988, Longitude: 44.9645764

kommentar 5

  • 東京太郎がんばっぺ太郎



    駅の造りは豪華ですが やってくる電車はソヴィエト時代のラトビアで作られたボロボロの2両編成です。 線路は至る所歪み脱線しそうなのでかなり低速で走行しますので所要時間がかなりかかりますよ。 本数の朝夕に1本だけでエアポート列車とは言えません 鉄道に興味があるのなら是非とも利用すれば良いですね。 料金は車内で支払います

  • David Tevzadze

    David Tevzadze


    Bus stop near TBILISI airport. Train The Airport railway station is the cheapest and the easiest means of transportation as it connects Tbilisi central railway station with the airport. It is located 70 meters from the airport building. The new station is of a modern architectural style. It has a semi-circular design decorated with golden windows. On its fasade there is a laser clock. Comfortable trains made in Georgia run on the railway lines. Each of them has a capacity of 100 passengers. With the new train station passengers can now get to the airport in 20 minutes. One way fare is 0,50 GEL. Train Schedule Tbilisi-Airport 7:55 AM Airport-Tbilisi 8:45 AM Tbilisi-Airport 5:20 PM Airport-Tbilisi 6:05 PM

  • AR N

    AR N


    More like a joke. Only 3 daily trains to and from Airport. Take the bus instead!

  • en

    Nikoloz Giorgadze


    This station is useless unless it operates properly. Something needs to be done about that station

  • Burkhard Haasch

    Burkhard Haasch


    Well done by all means ,but SERVICE is something else. DESTINATION branding no CHANCE with the manner.

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