Tangerine Cafe i Batumi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GeorgienTangerine Cafe



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4, Kobaladze Street, Batumi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 422 20 01 92
internet side: tangerine-hotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.634306, Longitude: 41.6082286

kommentar 5

  • Eleri Kanep

    Eleri Kanep


    Food was quite good. We ordered croissant with egg and another one with salmon. However the food was already cold once it arrived to our table. Service is slow and waiting time long. Even after ordering tea and coffee we had to wait for many minutes.

  • Olga Vol

    Olga Vol


    I was a bit skeptical about this place first, which is why I didn’t go there the first couple of days. But when I actually gave it a try it turned out pretty nice. It was right next to my apartment, so perfect for dinner or any other meal of the day. The menu is a good combination of Georgian and European cuisine so you can find something for nearly any taste. They have a separate breakfast and desert menu which is also nice. Loved the pasta carbonara, the Greek salad was a bit too watery

  • Jennifer De Witt

    Jennifer De Witt


    Might depend on what time of day what kind of service/food. We went at and ordered without an issue but this dish came out 15 minutes before the second dish. Good flavors but not special. Sounds like breakfast might be the better meal choice based on other reviews.

  • Fatima Tanvir

    Fatima Tanvir


    Amazing breakfast with great customer service. The staff was fluent in English and did the best to serve us in the best way. Tried shakshuka and eggs benedict and loved them both. Will definitely visit again.

  • Hanie Azizy

    Hanie Azizy


    Very nice behavior, awesome coffee and the breakfast was good as well 😍

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