Svetitskhoveli Cathedral i Mtskheta

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GeorgienSvetitskhoveli Cathedral


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Narekvavi-Mtskheta-Railway Station, Mtskheta, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995
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Latitude: 41.8423068, Longitude: 44.720926

kommentar 5

  • jerson luna

    jerson luna


    This church is amazing.. according to our tour guide named Gio,Jesus Christ robe was preserved in this cathedral,you will see also the spear that soldiers used to pierced the trunk of Jesus,also he told us that this church is called the second Jerusalem.

  • Imad Melki

    Imad Melki


    A beautiful fortress city/chapel. Beautiful from inside and outside. The city may be best for living for like 1 month with a car. Take it as a base and go from it to wherever you want.

  • Nika Janjaria

    Nika Janjaria


    According to Georgian hagiography, in the 1st century AD a Georgian Jew from Mtskheta named Elias was in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified. Elias bought Jesus’ robe from a Roman soldier at Golgotha and brought it back to Georgia. Returning to his native city, he was met by his sister Sidonia who upon touching the robe immediately died from the emotions engendered by the sacred object. The robe could not be removed from her grasp, so she was buried with it. The place where Sidonia is buried with Christ's robe is preserved in the Cathedral. Later, from her grave grew an enormous cedar tree. Ordering the cedar chopped down to build the church, St. Nino had seven columns made from it for the church’s foundation. The seventh column, however, had magical properties and rose by itself into the air. It returned to earth after St. Nino prayed the whole night. It was further said that from the magical seventh column a sacred liquid flowed that cured people of all diseases.

  • Ia Kakichashvili

    Ia Kakichashvili


    Worth to visit if in Mtskheta. Historically important place. Visitors should know that Mtsketa used to be capital of Historically established Georgia before Tbilisi. Svetitskhoveli was build based on Orthodox legend and is saint place for the Pilligrimage. Unfortunately some parts of the castle were rebuilt but not the church itself. The stucture of the church is interesting from architectural point of wiev. It has big importance for the Orthodox Christians. Place has open access for eveybody, though womam have to obey some rules of the dress code. Church has interesting illuminaton in the eveing time and is surrounded by nice souvenir shops. Personally I find staff sole there unfairly doubled in the price but as it is touristical attraction one can tolerate this type of marketing. There is no special season for visiting this place all year is convenient, but 13 of October is better as it is Svetitckhoveli Festival taking place every year with lot of interesting sightseeings. Good to visit in combination with other places around two hours is quite enough for this small journey.

  • en

    Terence Dayday


    old but well preserved cathedral. full of history. old brick roads. shops for souvenirs.

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