Jvari Monastery of Mtskheta i Mtskheta-Mtianeti

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GeorgienJvari Monastery of Mtskheta



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kontakter telefon: +995 555 34 64 38
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Latitude: 41.8381163, Longitude: 44.7331594

kommentar 5

  • mojojoedwards



    Drive up was serene and scenic. Great view from the top. Monastery walls have ancient scribblings on it. Visit this place during mornings (7-9am) when it is less crowded, air is cool, breezy and less polluted from the highway traffic below. Half an hour-ish from Tbilisi before the morning rush-hour. There will be ladies begging for money which is quite annoying.

  • Ahmad Kadi

    Ahmad Kadi


    Nice historical place to visit.. Small church but very popular.. The view of the 2 rivers and the city is very nice from top.. It costs 35 lari from tbilisi, I recommend smart travel agency, they are good and the lowest cost in the town.. Ask for English speaking driver otherwise you'll get a Russian speaker who knows nothing in English

  • Vasil Khachiashvili

    Vasil Khachiashvili


    Jvari Monastery (Georgian: ჯვრის მონასტერი) is a sixth century Georgian Orthodox monastery near Mtskheta, eastern Georgia. Along with other historic structures of Mtskheta, it is listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Great views !

  • Bilqees Green

    Bilqees Green


    It's beautiful from the top. Bring something warm with as it's extremely cold and icy breeze from the mountains blowing.

  • Tanvi Chatterjee

    Tanvi Chatterjee


    Dating back to several centuries ago, this is the place where first cross was erected in Georgia. Jvari is treasured intact on the hilltop. It is symbolic of faith and honorary historical landmark. From Jvari, you see the confluence of two rivers, a beautiful landscape in all directions and this visit enriches your learning into historical facts in Georgia. We visited Jvari monastery in late November 2017 and loved it.

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