Spice Garden Indian Restaurant Batumi i ბათუმი

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GeorgienSpice Garden Indian Restaurant Batumi



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16 Sherif Khimshiashvili, sea side park 7, land number 058, Oppisite Orbi Towers, Batumi Batumi, ბათუმი 6010, Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 596 12 50 50
internet side: spicegarden.co
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Latitude: 41.6381954, Longitude: 41.6090334

kommentar 5

  • Faraz Amjad

    Faraz Amjad


    Highly recommended for various reasons. 1. Delicious food Even though the name suggests an "Indian Restaurant", the chef is from Pakistan and the place is popular among non South Asian people, mainly Arabs from the Middle East and Gulf countries, because of the flavorsome cuisine. 2. Friendly staff The place is run by young and diligent individuals, mainly local feminine, and especially the staff member named Shorena showcased extra ordinary managerial skills during my every visit to the restaurant. 3. Super location The restaurant is located on the coast line right next to Luna Park Batumi, one of the prime locations where tourists usually go. 4. Reasonable price. The food prices may be slightly higher than other restaurants, but you are paying for quality food so it is a good worth for money.

  • Doichin Denchev

    Doichin Denchev


    This place may have been good at some point, but it is not now. Service is incredibly slow. You can wait for 30 minutes to get your water even though the waiters are sitting around and talking to each other. The food is slow to come out, half the menu is not available and some of the items are of dubious quality (mixed salad that consists primarily of onions?). Would skip.

  • Ayesha Ulfat

    Ayesha Ulfat


    Amazing & Relaxed atmosphere. Attentive (but not overly so due to work load) service. Flavours are incredible and original. I've never experienced. The tasting menu has choice so you can try each others dishes as well. Excellent freshness. Perfect in every respect. A must visit place for all visiting Batumi.

  • Fatymah Baloch

    Fatymah Baloch


    Absolutely loved this place! The food was just the right level of delicious spicy and the portions were perfect for a 12 people dinner. I really enjoyed the nice ambience of the place and sea view! The servers were extremely courteous and attentive!! The food is Halal, and music was also not too loud as in other places. I’d definitely go there again just to try out the different items from the menu!! 👍

  • Binil Anambalath

    Binil Anambalath


    Even though the taste and variety of foods are not very good the place is certainly to be appreciated as it is one of the very few Indian restaurants available around. It is very well placed near to the beach with easy access to the restaurant. The views from inside of the restaurant is excellent. The staffs were attentive and well behaved. It is certainly a good place for you if you want to enjoy your spicy Indian food with a cold beer and a good view of the beach.

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