Hotel White House Anaklia i Kirovi

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GeorgienHotel White House Anaklia



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Zugdidi - Anaklia, Kirovi, GE Georgia
kontakter telefon: +995 599 31 31 89
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 42.3932793, Longitude: 41.5631138

kommentar 5

  • Shalva Kilasonia

    Shalva Kilasonia


    I don't recommend this place at all, as you have no guarantee that you will not have to early run away from there offended due to host's inproper, unprecedented and agresssive attitude. Everithing seemed to be ok before, when one hot nigth of August at 12 o'clock my family, according to host's recommendation and our preferences, we were trying to cool the room before going to bed, they (the host/owner) knocked on the door, starting screaming from behind the door before we open it, and without listening our position agressively and abusively asked "to turn off the air condetioner because we all time were bothering another guest with noise of air condentioner that we don't turn off for 24 hours, even when we are not in the room". At this time, in fact we were oficially allowed by them to use it even for 24 hours and we have never violated their begging and just recommendation: we alwais turned off it at all those hot nigths of August at the time of sleep and when we were not in the room.

  • gvantsa tskitishvili

    gvantsa tskitishvili


    Lovely hotel💛

  • Oleg Dremov

    Oleg Dremov


    Great hospitality!

  • Irakli Tabagua

    Irakli Tabagua


    Best guesthouse in Anaklia. Place is located 300 meters far from the black sea. Host is very friendly. Hotel has small caffe which offers Delicious Georgian food. Rooms are comfortable, prices are moderate. Nice garden is in front of the hotel.

  • Mariam Chkholaria

    Mariam Chkholaria


    The best place in Anaklia to relax ,very near to the sea and also in the centre of city. ☀️💛

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